One of the goals of The Railroad Press is to preserve images that have been otherwise lost to time and the environment. We make every effort to present images as the photographer saw them through his camera lens at the time. Pictured above on the left is an example of an Agfachrome slide of a beautiful scene taken by Jay Winn that looked great when it first was developed. It was sharp and was composed very well — but over the span of decades, the slide faded and experienced significant color shifts, plus mold had grown on the film. We cleaned it up and printed it as shown on the right in The Railroad Press Magazine, bringing back the Boston and Maine blue to its original glory! We want to give our best to both the photographers who went to the effort to capture these images and the readers, who have been kind enough to purchase our publications and deserve a high quality product. Through the printed page, we’ve been able to preserve thousands of transparencies so future generations can enjoy them.