
A fascinating look at railroad operations at Bethlehem Steel’s home plant written by an employee who spent more than 35 years working on the railroad inside the steel mill, with three decades of experience as a supervisor. This newest book from TRP features 70 photos (37 color and 33 b/w) — many of these are seldom seen views taken inside the plant. PB&NE, Lehigh Valley, Reading, Delaware & Hudson, Conrail, BSCO Narrow Gauge and other private Bethlehem Steel equipment are shown, including hot metal cars, cinder pots and heavy-duty flatcars with loads. There are 8 maps, plus charts listing tracks, crew assignments and interchanges. This book is an outstanding resource that provides excellent coverage of how the railroads operated inside the steel mill. 56 pages, softcover, printed in U.S.A.
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